

History was created by those men that inspired…

The Great King of Thailand Rama IX, The Majesty Bhumibol Adulyadej (1927-2016), represented so many great things to all Thai people. He provided Hope, Love, Inspiration, Passion, Spiritual, Leadership, Dedication, Faith, and Honor to all those he ruled. He was the true “King”.

For 70 years, King Bhumibol the Great ruled his people with true compassion and love. He led by examples by promoting higher education, engineering projects for agriculture, peaceful nation, and much more under his reign.

Those who love, shall be loved.

In his Legacy, this website was created to inspire others to become better of oneself. Day by day, moment by moment, each of us can learn to improve ourselves. Maybe to become a better parent, student, spouse, or as individual. To promote all good things in life and hope to pass them on to the next generation.